Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Dandy loves frankie

This month, I have the absolute pleasure of making a little appearance in my fave mag ever – frankie. So if you're in Oz, get off ya butts and grab a copy (or get your best mates mum to get you one!)and if you're not and you don't have a lovely Mrs. Radtke to pop down to the local newsagent for you, then you could try your luck for a button pack here.

Friday, 17 April 2009

When the going gets tough, the tough go home

Sometimes the world and all the people in it get the better of me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a misanthrope or anything, but every now and then I feel like yelling Not Very Nice Things at variuos people I encounter throughout my day. At times like this I like to stay at home, in comfy 'home' clothes, and look at lovely pictures on lovely blogs to remind myself how lovely things can be when you don't have all the hum-drum to contend with.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


Perched above my cupboard in a fluffy pile of dust sit a couple of brown boxes. They have patterned wallpaper glued to the front (aesthetic reasons only, and not integral to this post) and a tag that reads 'summer'. I'm almost ready to ready to pull them down, refill them with woolies re-label that tag to say 'winter'. That is until I step into the shade and remember it's still cold where the sun don't shine. The brown box is on stand-by, though, ready to go anytime now.

Monday, 9 March 2009

Mr Dandy Long-Legs

Who doesn't have very long legs at all, but tells me he's long where it counts. (His eyeslashes, of course!)

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Colours SS'09

Throughout the year, my locks inadvertently go through many shades of red. Factors that cause this include sun, swimming and time between hair-washing. This summer –it's almost there – I'm headed for somewhere between a woodland fox and an orange M&M. Yum.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Buttons Behaving Badly

I've never lost a button (touch wood). Even when struggling on the tube juggling an array of bags and books, I still manage to catch a wayward little bugger escaping from my clothing mid flight. They live in a drawer until I realise it's time to get them back on, or freeze to death from half-buttoned coats in minus zero weather.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Saturday, 3 January 2009

A Place For Everything and Everything In Its Place

I try not to wait until a new year to make resolutions, but I still jot down a few things that could be addressed. This year they include (but are not limited to): spending less time hovering in the kitchen; spending less time hovering in pretty shops; and spending less time hovering in general. My love for pottering about organising piles of papers and putting things away is cutting into vauable time that can be better spent elsewhere. It must be stopped. So to hell with cleanliness, here's to a messy — but not that messy — 2009.