Tuesday 30 December 2008

Wellie Weather

Eat, walk, eat, walk, DVD, sleep. Repeat. Now that, my friends, is what Christmas is all about. (Besides the presents, of course.) Happy holidays!

Monday 15 December 2008

Really, I don't have a television.

Do I get bored? Nope. How do I manage? I get by. Did I watch it as a kid? Sure I did. For at least 2 solid hours a day, after school on mum's ugly brown sofa, in a sea of mint green carpet, always upside down. Perhaps that (and any reality TV show involving singing/weight/DIY) has left me scarred for life.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Flora & Fringes (Bangs & Blooms)

I spent a few delicious hours at Columbia Road today, perched in the sunshine at the Royal Oak, sipping (erm, sculling) mulled wine and watching the flower market go by. I tell ya what, the kids down there sport some mighty impressive fringes — even if I do say so myself. It was a visual feast of bangs and blooms. Three for a fiver anyone?!

Thursday 4 December 2008

Rabbit Ear Coat

Dear Santa,
Thanks to the lovely folk at Liberty and their amazing sale, I've managed to acquire a large portion of the previously mentioned A.P.C collection. Thus you'll be happy to know this item can be struck off my Christmas list. Now, about that rabbit...

Thursday 27 November 2008

Note to Self

Dear Self,
Next time you wake up half an hour before your alarm and think 'Hey, I actually feel good I should get up' then proceed to roll over and force yourself back to sleep — knowing that you'll wake up feeling worse — just get up. Or at least try not to lose your phone/miss the bus/get caught in the rain/sit on you specs in your sleep induced stupor.

Monday 24 November 2008

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Sunny Side Under

Someone told me about some cheap flights to the land of Oz — thank you someone, you know who you are — and in a moment of glorious impulse I booked a couple of tickets for me and My Boy. So in the early months of next year, I'll be hauling my pasty butt across the ocean to sprawl on glorious golden sands and do some serious freckle accumulation. You bloody beauty.

Monday 17 November 2008

Early Bird, Night Owl

I went to an 'In Yo Face' party on the weekend. I had to wear something on my face that normally wouldn't be there. There are lots of things that normally wouldn't be on my face, so it was difficult to narrow it down. My friends and I settled on an animal-head theme, it was a real...hoot. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)

Friday 14 November 2008

Spoon Me (No, You Spoon Me)

Dear Santa,

This year I'd like a giant lop rabbit to fall asleep into on days like this. I'd also like the entire A.P.C fall/winter 09 collection, please.
Lots of love,
Dandy x

Monday 10 November 2008

Gloomy Balloon

A serious case of Mondayitis.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Monday 3 November 2008

The Art of Posing (Naturally)

When trying to look nonchalant cool (when in reality posing your butt off) one must consider a few vital things. The first and foremost being the height of one's platforms, and the balance one may or may not have on them. Other things include; current wind conditions; crowd control; and ankle strength and flexibility.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Double, double toil and...?

Halloween is over for the year. I spent my weekend dressed as a witch writing the spell for eternal happiness (is that weird considering I didn't actually go to any parties?) I'm still finishing the list of ingredients...

Tuesday 28 October 2008

A dog by any other name would smell as sweet

Some people have their children's names picked out — I on the other hand have a weekly roter of dog breeds correlating to their titles. Top of the list right now is Potato and Turnip, aka Tatty and Neeps. Get it? And for the record, they would NOT be wearing outfits or living in handbags. I'm not that fancy.

Monday 27 October 2008

Shall I Be Mother?

Reasons why I like living in London:
1. You can walk out of the house wearing a neon polkadot sparkly jumpsuit — if that's what tickles your fancy — and no one will bat an eyelid.
2. Everyday you will have an adventure, even if all you do is walk one block for your milk and newspaper.
3. No matter what happens, there is a common belief that it will be rectified with a nice cup of tea. (And maybe some scones on the side, if things get really bad).

Sunday 26 October 2008

The Stolen Hour

In the early hours of the morning the clocks changed. Father time blessed us with one more spin on the dance-floor, one extra wink of slumber, one stolen hour to do with as we please. I joined the circus and traveled through Siberia with an aerialiste extraordinaire, and entourage of clowns and a band of dancing tigers. Luckily, there was still time for a nap afterwards.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Pumpkin Pins

I refuse to succumb to the cold-weather call of black tights. I'd prefer my autumnal pins to be bright and cheery, hence these lovely orange numbers. Someone commented that I looked like a pumpkin, I told them they were very good with their colours, not so much with their shapes.