Tuesday 28 October 2008

A dog by any other name would smell as sweet

Some people have their children's names picked out — I on the other hand have a weekly roter of dog breeds correlating to their titles. Top of the list right now is Potato and Turnip, aka Tatty and Neeps. Get it? And for the record, they would NOT be wearing outfits or living in handbags. I'm not that fancy.

Monday 27 October 2008

Shall I Be Mother?

Reasons why I like living in London:
1. You can walk out of the house wearing a neon polkadot sparkly jumpsuit — if that's what tickles your fancy — and no one will bat an eyelid.
2. Everyday you will have an adventure, even if all you do is walk one block for your milk and newspaper.
3. No matter what happens, there is a common belief that it will be rectified with a nice cup of tea. (And maybe some scones on the side, if things get really bad).

Sunday 26 October 2008

The Stolen Hour

In the early hours of the morning the clocks changed. Father time blessed us with one more spin on the dance-floor, one extra wink of slumber, one stolen hour to do with as we please. I joined the circus and traveled through Siberia with an aerialiste extraordinaire, and entourage of clowns and a band of dancing tigers. Luckily, there was still time for a nap afterwards.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Pumpkin Pins

I refuse to succumb to the cold-weather call of black tights. I'd prefer my autumnal pins to be bright and cheery, hence these lovely orange numbers. Someone commented that I looked like a pumpkin, I told them they were very good with their colours, not so much with their shapes.