Tuesday 30 December 2008

Wellie Weather

Eat, walk, eat, walk, DVD, sleep. Repeat. Now that, my friends, is what Christmas is all about. (Besides the presents, of course.) Happy holidays!

Monday 15 December 2008

Really, I don't have a television.

Do I get bored? Nope. How do I manage? I get by. Did I watch it as a kid? Sure I did. For at least 2 solid hours a day, after school on mum's ugly brown sofa, in a sea of mint green carpet, always upside down. Perhaps that (and any reality TV show involving singing/weight/DIY) has left me scarred for life.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Flora & Fringes (Bangs & Blooms)

I spent a few delicious hours at Columbia Road today, perched in the sunshine at the Royal Oak, sipping (erm, sculling) mulled wine and watching the flower market go by. I tell ya what, the kids down there sport some mighty impressive fringes — even if I do say so myself. It was a visual feast of bangs and blooms. Three for a fiver anyone?!

Thursday 4 December 2008

Rabbit Ear Coat

Dear Santa,
Thanks to the lovely folk at Liberty and their amazing sale, I've managed to acquire a large portion of the previously mentioned A.P.C collection. Thus you'll be happy to know this item can be struck off my Christmas list. Now, about that rabbit...